Thursday, November 14, 2019

November Week 2: I Like It -or- I Don't Like It.

Transition Song:  Gobble Gobble (The Thanksgiving Song by Nooshi)

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts:  like/don't like/do you like, labeling food, What questions, Where questions. 

This week Miss Carrie said that there were a lot of foods we like and foods we don't like.  It's okay if someone likes a particular food that you don't.  It is okay if you like a food that your friend doesn't like.  Miss Carrie brought a lot of pictures of food to class.

We practiced asking "Do you like _________?" and named the food.  Then we practiced saying "I like it" and gave a 'thumbs up', and "I don't like it" and gave a 'thumbs down'. 

Miss Carrie handed pictures to everyone.  We showed the pictures to our friends and teachers and took turns asking "Do you like cookies?, Do you like spaghetti?  Do you like apples?  Do you like hot cocoa?"

Miss Carrie really likes tomatoes, french fries, spaghetti, broccoli, and hot cocoa.  She really doesn't like peanut butter or peas.  She also said that she keeps trying food she thinks she doesn't like to see if she changed her mind.  Sometimes we change our minds as we get older.

DO THIS AT HOME:  look at pictures of food in a magazine or cookbook or discuss food at your meal time.  Do you like it?  Do you not like it?  Did you try it?  This is a great way for kids working on /l/ to practice it. It is a great way to help kids expand phrases.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

November Week 1: I Like My Shoes!

Transition song:  Gobble Gobble (The Thanksgiving Song) by Nooshi

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: big/little, same/different, wet/dry, on/off, heavy/light, What/Where/Who/When, colors, shoe laces, Velcro, buckle, cry, wear

This week Miss Carrie read a book called Pete The Cat I Love My White Shoes by Erik Litwin and James Dean.  (Miss Carrie dressed up as Pete The Cat for Halloween.)

In the book, Pete The Cat LOOOOOOVES his white shoes.  He even sings about it. Pete kept stepping in things that changed the colors of his shoes.  Did Pete cry?  GOODNESS, NO! The kids loved singing the song with Miss Carrie. It was groovy and awesome.  There was a lot of discussion going on.

Next, Miss Carrie brought out two bags of shoes.  There were shoes that were the same and shoes that were different.  There were big shoes and little shoes.  There were lots of different colors!  We matched shoes and compared them to the shoes we were wearing. We compared weight, shoe fasteners.  We talked about if we had shoes like this at home.

DO THIS AT HOME: Read the book!  There are some great repetitive phrases as well as opportunities for kids to predict what will happen next.  Go on a shoe hunt around the house and compare shoes.  Talk about size, color, and fasteners.