Thursday, August 31, 2017

Aug/Sept Week 1: Bouncy, Glitter, and Germs

phoneme: /b/

Transition Song: Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy by Rachel Arntson Vocalmotion

(Note: we do not bounce on bouncy balls, but we do bounce our legs, knees, elbows, noses - that is hard! -, shoulders, heads, and whole body.  The children pick what to bounce next.)

Materials: music, laminated letter B, glitter, sheet, sanitizer, hand washing items

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: clean/dirty, top/bottom, up/down, front/behind, First and Next, fingers, thumbs, rub, wash, rinse, bounce, knees, shoulders, toes, head

Pre-literacy: Let's look at the letter B!  First we found the top and the bottom of the letter be.  We noticed straight lines and curved lines. We practice the bouncing sound b-b-b-b-b-b.  We shared words we knew with the /b/ sound: banana, baby, bubble, Boston Baked Beans (seriously, one of our preschoolers threw that one out there!), bounce, bathroom, back, behind.  Then we practiced tracing the letter B with our fingers.  Miss Carrie handed everyone a letter B to practice.  "Start at the top and draw down.  Go back to the top and bounce around."
Practice this at home.  What objects can you find that have the /b/ sound?

Next we talked about germs.  Germs are like little bugs, too tiny to see.  They get on our hands if we put them in our mouths, if we sneeze or cough into our hands, or if we use our hands to pick or wipe our noses.  We did an experiment to see how germs spread.  Miss Carrie pretended to sneeze and her hands were covered with glitter!  We pretended that the glitter was germs.  When Miss Carrie high-fived everyone, the glitter spread to their hands.

Then we learned how to wash our hands.  We practiced with hand sanitizer and washed the tops and bottoms of our hands (the backs and palms of hands), in between our fingers, and then rubbed them all over.  Afterwards we practiced with soap: FIRST wash hands with soap all over.  NEXT put hands under the water to rinse germs away.

Miss Carrie DOES NOT want to get sick so it is important to learn to wash our hands.  Miss Jen and Miss Jeana do not want to get sick, either.  We learned a song to the tune of Frere Jaques:
"Tops and bottoms
tops and bottoms
in between
in between
rub your hands together
rub your hands together
now they're clean
now they're clean."

And just for fun, here are some of the activities chosen during Work Time, which is really play time.  For children play is work.  Learning through play is the interesting topic for another time.


 Building car ramps

 Gluing, cutting, and drawing

 Building tall structures

The sensory table is very popular in Miss Jeana's room. Right now it is full of beans.

Playing house is serious business.

We have a lot of animals.

Someone decided to make a dinosaur zoo.

Miss Jen wanted to demonstrate to the children what could happen if they ran in the classroom.  She planned and performed the most glorious, epic prat fall ever seen.  Unfortunately, her demonstration did cause an injury.  So if you children are talking about Miss Jen's owie, it wasn't serious but still painful. 

Friday, August 25, 2017

Back To School

I don't remember what Miss Jen said.  
But I can tell you right now......this is going to be a great year!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Back To School Night

Tuesday August 22, 2017
5:30-7:30 p.m.

Back To School Night

Come meet your Teachers and Speech-Language Pathologist.

Come look at your classroom.

Come play with the toys!

Please be aware that all students and parents will be here at the same time.  Miss Jeana, Miss Jen, and I will do our best to speak to each one of you.  I will be bouncing between two rooms, so if you don't see me, stay put!  I will be there soon.