Transition Song: This Is The Way We Go To Bed by Super Simple Songs
(Last month's song was all about the morning routine. This month's song is all about the bedtime routine. We've had so much language and conversations about how your child's bedtime routine is the same or different. )
Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: Conflict, resolution, solution, problem, plan, agree, ask, answer, yes/no, worried, relieved, mad, happy, sad, scared, What/Where/Who, no/not.
This week, Miss Carrie read a book titled What Will Fat Cat Sit On by Jan Thomas.
Fat Cat has a problem. We identified the problem. What could they do to solve the problem. We remembered that everyone had to agree to the solution. We noticed that the animals looked worried. What would the animals do? What would the animals not do?
Miss Carrie brought out puppets. We know we can avoid a lot of conflict if we ask our friends if we can do something (have their toy, knock down the blocks, ask if they want to do a specific plan). Miss Carrie put on her puppet and explained that she was going to ask to do things. Friends could answer yes or no. Miss Carrie's puppet asked "May I have a hug? May I sit on your head?" Some friends said yes. Some friends said no. Miss Carrie put out puppets for everyone to choose one. We practiced asking questions and answering yes or no.
DO THIS AT HOME: Ask silly questions to do silly things. Practice waiting to hear the answer. Practice yes or no. May I tickle you? Can I wear your shoes? Can I play with your toy? Make is silly and fun. Again, get the entire family involved. Talk about solving problems and coming up with solutions until everyone agrees.