Transition Song: This Is The Way We Go To Bed by Super Simple Songs:
This week Miss Carrie brought out her color scarves - always a favorite! Everyone chose their color and then showed the teachers what to do. Teachers had to follow the students. Miss Carrie played fast music (classical, bluegrass, Children show themes) and slow music (classical, new age). She played loud music (Thank you, John Williams - Star Wars theme, Superman theme, Raiders Of The Lost Ark theme), and very quiet music (Tibetan bowls). Everyone showed the teachers what to do. We drew circles, shook, swayed, thew scarves in the air to catch with our hands or our heads. We traded scarves with friends.
DO THIS AT HOME: No need for scarves. Pick some favorite dance music and put your child in charge. Copy what they do. Get everyone in the family to participate. This is perhaps the easiest of all activities.