Transition Song: Wake Up-Daily Routines by Dream English
Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: over, under, around, through, circle, square, tunnel, tent, stretch, hop, jump, frog jump, crab walk, balance, skip, march, touch toes, tip toe, stairs, up/down, crawl, stop/go.
This week, Miss Carrie had SO MANY THINGS! She made a big obstacle course. She had tunnels, tents, big circles, little circles, a bike, stairs, and exercise mats. The exercise mats had pictures on them so we would know what to do. We could go anywhere in the room and try anything we wanted. We talked about stepping or walking over, crawling under, crawling through. There were so many places to go to show what we could do.
DO THIS AT HOME: What do you have around the house or yard to make an obstacle course? Or go to the park. Use your announcer voice and narrate everything your child is doing. Get the family involved. Kids love it when adults participate. Make a microphone out of crumpled up foil and give it to your child to announce what you are doing (helping them when needed).