Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween Party

We had a fun Halloween party in all four classes.  Everyone wore costumes (I forgot to take a photo of me in my costume. Drat!)

We decorated Trick or Treat bags.

We participated in Ghost Bowling.

The ghosts were howling at the indignity of it all.

The teachers got into the fun, too.

We read Halloween books.  

There were lots of books to choose from.

We played pin the nose on the jack-o-lantern.

 After the fun we went trick or treating to the front office and two classrooms.  Then we went into two more classrooms just to show off our costumes.  Huge thanks to the 5th graders and their teachers who cheered for our costumes.  The older students were absolutely wonderful with our preschoolers.

We had a great time.  Our teachers put a lot of time and effort into this party.  Thanks, teachers!