Monday, September 26, 2016

August/September Week6: Bus, Boat, Bikes (and other things that GO!)

Theme: Bus, Boat, Bike, and Other Things that GO!
Phoneme: /b/

Materials:  SoundTouch App, Stop and Go signs  

Vocabulary and Concepts: Stop/Go, Fast/Slow, Bus, Boat, Bike, Train, Airplane, Tractor, Vehicles, Fire Engine, Helicopter, drive, Wh- questions.

Beginning: Transition Song - Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy

This week we are talking about Things That Go and learned a new vocabulary word: vehicles.
We are listening to the different sounds that vehicles make on Miss Carrie's SoundTouch App and guessing what vehicles are making the sounds. This activity is always very popular!

We are asking What is it?  Where can we find them (on the road, in the water, in the air)?  Who has ridden in an airplane?  A train?  Who rides a bus home from school and who rides in a car?

Then we are picking our favorite vehicle and pretending to drive it all around the room.  Miss Carrie, Miss Jeana, and Miss Suzanne are the traffic cops and hold up signs to tell us when to STOP and GO.  We are beeping, honking, tooting, and sounding like fire engines, airplanes, motorcycles, busses, and cars.

At the end of Large Group we drive our vehicles to our tables for the next thing on our schedule.