Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Phoneme: /h/

Transition Song:  Wake Up! Daily Routines Song by Dream English.  (PS, this song is very popular with the kids.)

This song is all about hygiene and getting ready in the morning.  We'll be talking about hygiene starting next week as part of our Large Group Theme for March.  But this week we're talking about hot, pop, and other CVC words.

Materials: Laminated Letter H

Vocabulary and Concepts:  Hygiene, help, hot, happy, hello, wake up, wash face, bush teeth, comb hair, eat breakfast, go to school, sequencing

Pre-literacy:  Let's explore the letter H.  It makes a h-h-h sound.  I can feel my breath on my hand when I make that sound.  Whose name has that sound in it?  What words have that sound in it?  Hello, happy, help, hot.  Let's draw the letter H.  Start at the top and go straight down saying ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.  Go to the right and do the same saying hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.  Now in the middle go left to right saying hee-hee-hee-hee just like me.  (Okay, yes, it is cheesy.  Just go with it.  This is why:  The kids start laughing with all the ha's, hey's, hee's, and we throw in some ho-ho-ho if they recognize the sound in that.  It is funny!)

We're playing the Popcorn Game.  Popcorn pops when it gets HOT.  I'm posting the video from Youtube, but we modified our words and songs a bit from this original video:

Pour In the Oil
(kids repeat: Pour in the oil!)
Sprinkle in the popcorn
(kids repeat: Sprinkle in the popcorn)
Put on the lid.
(kids repeat: Put on the lid)
Turn up the heat!
(kids repeat: Turn up the heat!)
Everyone: sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle
(louder) sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle
(even louder) sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle POP!
(The children in the middle, get up and start jumping)
Hear the popcorn, watch it pop!
Hear the popcorn, watch it pop!
Hear the popcorn, watch it pop!
Hear the popcorn, watch it pop!
Now we STOP!

Everyone is either helping to "cook" the popcorn or pretending to be the popcorn popping in the middle of the circle.  The children were excited to take a turn jumping.

You might be asked to play this game at home.  Be sure to sing the chorus a bit slower that you think you need to, in order to make sure that your child has ample chances to articulate at least the "pop".