Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What is happening in Small Group?

Look at what we did during Small Group this week!

Miss Jeana's class read the book Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh.

Another group did playdough birthday cakes.  They put craft stick candles in them.  Then they counted them and decided who had more candles and who had less.  Of course, we had to sing "Happy Birthday" many times!

Another activity was throwing beanbag toys into boxes.  The children then counted how many landed in the box and charted totals.  They determined who had more and who had less.  

In Miss Jen's class, we fit lids onto containers and talked about big/little.  We traded sizes and problem solved to find all the lids to put on the right containers.

Another Small Group activity was looking at rocks through magnifying glasses and describing them.  Smooth or rough?  Big or little?  Same or different? What color? Everyone had fun looking through magnifying glasses.

One more picture, this one from Work Time.