Thursday, September 6, 2018

August/September Week 2: Box of Balloons

phoneme: /b/

Transition Song: Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy

Materials: cardboard box, balloon for each child, music, laminated letter B

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: box, balloon, blow, little, big/bigger/biggest, predicting, high/low, space, body parts

Miss Carrie had a little box.  She shook it.  We predicted what would be inside the box.  Animals?  Cookies?  Cars?

It was balloons!  Pink, blue, green, purple, yellow, white, and black.  We told Miss Carrie that she had to blow into the balloon to make it bigger.  We predicted how many times Miss Carrie would need to blow into the balloon to make it bigger.

What can we do with balloons?  We can bounce them high and low!  Miss Carrie turned on some music and we made our balloons fly!  We caught them, bounced them, and rolled them.  We asked friends and teachers to bounce them back to us.

DO THIS AT HOME:  What can you do with balloons at home?  Or bouncy balls?  Find words using the /b/ sound (at the beginning, in the middle, or at ends of words) and describe what you are doing.

Other things that happened at preschool this week: