Friday, May 31, 2019

May Week 3: Traffic Signs

Transition Song: The Circle Song by the Kibommers

(no phoneme this week)

Materials:  Laminated Traffic Signs, paper plates

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: stop/go, fast/slow, turn, one way, do not, steer, beep, negation

This week, Miss Carrie brought out traffic signs.  Many of us knew what the STOP sign was.  We practiced spelling S-T-O-P.....STOP! and G-O......GO.  She introduced arrow signs that meant turn this way (not that way).  When you see a sign that is yellow, it means caution or slow down.  Look, there is an S in SLOW and an S in STOP.  Hey, there is an O, too!  We used paper plates for steering wheels.  After a while, Miss Carrie said "Everyone STOP!".  then we could decide if we wanted to hold the signs or keeping driving.  We beeped our horns and started up again.

DO THIS AT HOME:  Make your own traffic signs and hang them around a room or rooms.  Everyone can pretend to drive.  When you're out and about, look for traffic signs.  Knowing that a sign says stop, even if your child isn't reading the word STOP yet, is reading environmental print which is a pre-literacy skill.