Friday, October 11, 2019

October Week 2: Fall Leaves and Out In The Jungle Part 2

This week, Miss Jeana's class played Out In The Jungle while Miss Jen's class explored Fall Leaves.  See last week's post on both.

First, Miss Jeana's class:

We found so many animals!

We found Sea Slugs, Glow Worms.  We held up our hands for pretend binoculars.

Sometimes we knew the animal and other times we needed help to identify it.

We told our friends "Come here and see!"

If we knew what the animal sounded like, we talked about that, too.

All the animals and bugs were right at child eye-level.

We talked about WHERE to find them: at home, at the zoo, on the farm, in the sky, under the ground.

There were so many to find.
DO THIS AT HOME:  Go on a hunt at the zoo, in your local library, near a farm, or in your own back yard.  What animals, birds, and bugs can you find?  Check out books on animals, birds, and bugs from your local library.

In Miss Jen's class:

Lots and lots of leaves.

They landed on our heads.  We piled them on Miss Jen!

The leaves landed on our laps, our legs, and feet, our hair, our shoulders.

We compared sizes and colors and if they were the same or different.

We asked friends if we could throw the leaves at them.

We talked about if we saw leaves like this at our house yet.

DO THIS AT HOME:  Go on a fall walk or a leaf hunt in your own yard.  Talk about the different colors, shapes, and sizes.  What do you like to do with leaves?