Thursday, February 13, 2020

February Week 2: What Do You Hear?

Transition Song: H-E-A-R-T by the Kiboomers

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: hear, loud/quiet, listening ears, quiet mouths, big/little, lion, tiger, bear, elephant, cow, pig, horse, dog, cat, duck, frog, chicken/rooster, bird, monkey, zebra, snake,  peacock, eagle, penguin, owl, turtle, bee, bat, hippo, camel, flamingo, What/Where questions, “I hear” phrases, home/farm/zoo.

This week we played the game "What Do You Hear".  Miss Carrie reminded us to use our listening ears and quiet mouths so we could hear.  She has an app (Soundtouch 1 & 2) that plays animal sounds.  We listened to the animals and guessed what they were.  Then we looked at the photographs of animals to see if we were right.  We talked about if we had seen an animal like that at home, on farms, or at zoos. 

Miss Carrie played a lot of different sounds.  We knew sounds like dog, cat, cow, and elephant. We were stumped with zebras, peacocks, hippos, and alligators.  We discovered that if we didn't have quiet mouths while we were listening, we couldn't hear the animal sounds.  It was so much fun to guess!  It was so much fun to try to sounds like the animal.

DO THIS AT HOME:  play animal sounds and take turns guessing.  You could find them on the computer or you could make the sounds yourself.  Or go to the zoo or to a farm, listen for sounds, try to identify the sounds.