Thursday, September 9, 2021

September Week 2: Who Is Behind The Blanket?

 Transition Song: Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: in front/behind, Who-questions, peer names, greeting peers, on top/under, counting 1-5, My turn, Yes/No, He/She, His/Hers.

This week, Miss Carrie brought a big, red blanket to Large Group.  She introduced a new game she called "Who Is Behind The Blanket".  To play it, first we had to learn the song:

Who is behind the blanket?

Who is behind the blanket?

Who is behind the blanket?


Once we learned the song, Miss Carrie showed us what to do.  She got behind the blanket.  We sang the song.  

When we counted to 5, Miss Carrie dropped the blanket and asked "Who is behind the blanket?"  We answered "Miss Carrie!"   

Everyone say 'hi' to Miss Carrie.  "Hi, Miss Carrie!"

Then everyone was asked if they wanted a turn.  They could say yes or no.  They could say "My turn!"  We had fun learning peer names and saying hi to everyone.

1-2-3-4-5! Who is behind the blanket?

Everyone, say hi to my friend!

Who is it?  What is her name?

Then, Miss Carrie did a magic trick.  She asked Miss Jeana or Miss Misty if they wanted a turn.  They were sitting by the shelves so she went over, held up the blanket in front of them, and sang the song.  When Miss Carrie dropped the blanket, Miss Jeana or Miss Misty had disappeared!  Oh, no!  What happened?  Miss Carrie, what did you do?!

Then Miss Jeana or Miss Misty stood up from behind the shelves.  They had crawled away when no one could see them.  It was so funny!

DO THIS AT HOME:  Parents, you will be surprised how much fun your child has with this game.  The children in our classroom wanted turns again and again.  Some even chose to play it again during Work Time.  Get a blanket, round up family members, and have your child take the lead. Do the disappearing trick, if you can.