Friday, September 9, 2022

Who Is Behind The Blanket

 Transition Song: Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: blanket, Who, behind/in front, counting to 5, My turn, Your turn, yes/no, He/She, peer names, greeting peers.

This week, Miss Carrie brought her special blanket.  She taught us how to play Who Is Behind The Blanket. (Note: I know this sounds simplistic, but the kids REALLY love it!).

First she taught us this song:

Who is behind the blanket?

Who is behind the blanket?

Who is behind the blanket?


(I recorded this video a few years ago)

Then Miss Carrie showed us how to play the game.  She hid behind the blanket.  We sang the song together.  When we counted to 5, Miss Carrie dropped the blanket and asked "Who is it?"  We had to remember peer names. Then, Miss Carrie said "Say hi to Miss Carrie."  Everyone waved and called out "Hi, Miss Carrie!" (Note: Greeting peers is a huge game changer in making friends.  It is a great skill to learn.)

Everyone got a turn to go behind the blanket.  We could say "My turn!" or remind peers "Your turn!"

DO THIS AT HOME:  This is a simple and fun game to do with the whole family.  Put your child in the lead and have them teach the song (with support from you as needed). Let them hold the blanket if they'd like. Practice family names and greeting by name.  Get extended family members involved over video if possible.