Thursday, November 13, 2014

Catching up: October

Sound:  /g/
Transition Song:  Five Little Ghosts (The Kiboomers)

Letter recognition: 8x10 laminated sheet with large bold capital letter G.  Ask children to show their pointer fingers.  Indicate where to put their pointer finger to start the tracing.  Trace the G while reciting the rhyme:  "Draw half a circle, not a frown.  Draw across the middle and then down".  Hold the G high while chanting "Give me a Gee! (Be sure to use /g/ and /j/ initial sound).  Gay!  Guy!  Go!  Goo!"  Discuss words that start with the g-g-g sound, including names of family and friends.

Title:  G Sound, Week 1
Materials required:  Good Night Gorilla, flashlight, animal pictures
Additional concepts:  Predicting, Wh-questions.

Transition activity:  Five Little Ghosts Song

Goodnight Gorilla:

Discussion:  Read the book.
-       Ask What is going to happen next?
-       What are the names of the animals?
-       Who is the man with the flashlight?
-       What time of day is it?  Day or Night?
-       Where are the animals going when they get out of their cages?
-       Why are there two pages all black with surprised eyes?
-       Who takes the animals back to the zoo?
-       Who ate the banana?  The gorilla or the mouse?
-       What is inside the animal’s cage?

Theater:  Shine a flashlight.  Use finger puppets or popsicle stick puppets so everyone gets a chance to help tell the story as you read along.

Title:  G Sound, Week 2
Materials required: 
Additional concepts: 

Transition activity:  Five Little Ghosts

Discussion:  We’re learning more about the /g/ sound. Remember it is in your throat.  Let’s practice. Put your fingers on your neck. G-G-G.
Now let’s trace our letters. Use your pointer fingers.
“Draw half a circle, not a frown.
Across the middle and then down.”

Target sound and recognition:  Gee, Gay, Guy, Go, Goo
What else starts with the G-G-G sound?  Girl, Go, Going, Gorilla, Ghost, Guitar, Grasshopper, Grapes

Show pictures of Grapes.  “What is this??  Grapes has a /g/ sound.  G-G-Grapes.
What color are they?  Green Grapes.  Green also has a /g/ sound.  G-G- Green.  Green Grapes.  Green Grapes are Good to Eat.  Green Beans are good to eat.  Gravy is good to eat. 

Song: Good to eat. (Tune: Frere Jacques.  Adapt the song to what they like to eat)
GRAPES:  Green and juicy, Green and juicy. Nice and sweet, nice and sweet. Dripping on your fingers, dripping on your fingers. Good to eat, good to eat"
CARROTS:  Orange and crunchy, orange and crunch, nice and sweet, nice and sweet. Crunch so loud, crunch so loud.  Good to eat.  Good to eat.
PIZZA:  Hot and cheesy, hot and cheesy, Pepperoni, Pepperoni. Cheese is melty, cheese is melty.  Good to eat.  Good to eat.

Title:  G Sound, Week 4
Materials required:  Laminated G
Additional concepts: 

Transition activity:  Five Little Ghosts

Discussion:  We’re learning more about the /g/ sound. Remember it is in your throat.  Let’s practice. Put your fingers on your neck. G-G-G.
Now let’s trace our letters. Use your pointer fingers.
“Draw half a circle, not a frown.
Across the middle and then down.”

Target sound and wel recognition:  Gee, Gay, Guy, Go, Goo
What else starts with the G-G-G sound?  Girl, Go, Going, Gorilla, Ghost, Guitar, Grasshopper, Grapes

Show picture of ghost.  What is this?  Ghost has a /g/ sound in it!  G-G-Ghost.

Finger play: 
I saw a ghost (fingers circle eyes)
He saw me too (point to yourself)
I waved at him (wave your hand)
But he said, “Boo!” (try to scare the person next to you)

Song: (To the tune of The Ants Go Marching 10x10)
The ghosts go flying 10x10
oo-oo, oo-oo
The ghosts go flying 10x10
oo-oo, oo-oo
The Ghosts go flying 10x10
The little one stops to scare a hen
And they all go flying down to the town
For some fun Halloween

9x9 – check the time
8x8 – say “we’re late!”
7x7 – look at heaven
6x6 – do some tricks
5x5 – take a dive
4x4- fly through the door
3x3 – to say “Wheeeeee!”
2x2 – to sneeze “Achoo!”
1x1 – to say “I’m done!”