Thursday, November 13, 2014

Catching up: September

Sound:  /b/
Song:  Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy (Rachel Arnston, Vocalmotion)

Letter recognition: 8x10 laminated sheet with large bold capital letter B.  Ask children to show their pointer fingers.  Indicate where to put their pointer finger to start the tracing.  Trace the B while reciting the rhyme:  "Start at the top and draw down.  Go back to the top and bounce around".  Hold the B high while chanting "Give me a Bee!  Bay!  Bye!  Bow!  Boo!"  Discuss words that start with the b-b-b sound, including names of family and friends.

Big Group Activity

Week 1:
Title:  “B” Sound
Materials required:  picture of bouncing ball, baby, bus, bat, bed, box; sticks for tracing letter
Additional concept:  your turn.

Transition activity:
Discussion:  This week we are learning about the /b/ sound.  It sounds like a bouncy sound.  Let’s practice.  Put your lips together.  B-B-B

Target word and vowel recognition:  Repeat after me:  Be, Bay, Bye, Bow, Boo

This is what a letter B looks like.  Use your finger to trace the B.
Does anyone have a /b/ sound in their name?
What words have a /b/ sound?  (have children hold the pictures and share or hold them up)
·      Ball
·      Baby
·      Bus
·      Bat
·      Bed
·      Bike
·      Boat

Song:  Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy. (teaches /b/ sound with movement, as well as concepts “wait” and “go”.

Song:  Boat, Bus, Bike.  Encourages /b/ sound through use of boat, bus, bike, bump, bye bye. 

Week 2
Title:  B Sound Week Two
Materials required:  “B” laminate for each child; bunny picture; blue balloon
Additional concept:  Emphasis on /b/ phoneme.

Transition activity: Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy
Discussion:  We’re learning more about the /b/ sound.  Remember, it is a bouncy sound.  Let’s practice.  Put your lips together.  B-B-B
Now let’s trace our letters.  Use your stick.  Start at the top, draw to the bottom.  Now bounce the line from top to bottom.

Target sound and vowel recognition:  Bee, Bay, Bye, Bow, Boo

Show picture of bunny.
Discussion:  What is this?  It’s a bunny?  Bunny has a /b/ sound in it.  B-B-B-bunny.
Poem: Baby Bunny bounces high (jump high)
            Baby Bunny Bounces low (jump low)
            Baby Bunny blinks his eyes (blink eyes)
            Baby Bunny waves bye bye (way goodbye)

Song:  Bouncy Blue Balloon (sung to If You’re Happy And You Know It) Show the balloon, give everyone a chance to hit balloon in the circle. Sing multiple times:
Oh I wish I had a bouncy blue balloon
Oh I wish I had a bouncy blue balloon
Oh I’d float in the air,
Then I’d POP without a care
Oh I wish I had a bouncy blue balloon.

Week 3:
Title:  B Sound Week 3
Materials required:  “B” laminate for each child; Bus picture, Bike picture, Boat picture
Additional concept:  Emphasis on /b/ phoneme.

Transition activity: Boat, Bus, Bike
Discussion:  We’re learning more about the /b/ sound.  Remember, it is a bouncy sound.  Let’s practice.  Put your lips together.  B-B-B
Now let’s trace our letters.  Use your stick.  Start at the top, draw to the bottom.  Now bounce the line from top to bottom.

Target sound and vowel recognition:  Bee, Bay, Bye, Bow, Boo

Show picture of Bus.
Discussion:  What is this?  It’s a bus!  Bus has a /b/ sound in it.  B-B-B-Bus.
Who rides a bus to school?  What color is the bus?

Song:  Wheels on the Bus

Discussion:  What is this?  It’s a bike!  Bike has a /b/ sound in it.  B-B-B-Bike.
Who rides a bike?  What color is your bike?

Song:  Wheels on the Bike
            The Wheels on the Bike go round and round
            The bell on the bike goes ding, ding, ding
            The bars on the bike steer side to side.

Discussion:  What is this?  It’s  a boat!  Boat has a /b/ sound in it.  B-B-B- Boat.
Does a boat drive on land?  No it floats in the water!

Song:  Row, Row, Row your Boat

Week 4:
Title:  B Sound Week 4
Materials required:  “B” laminate for each child, stick to trace; Bear picture
Additional concept:  “Where” and “What” questions

Transition activity: Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy

Discussion:  We’re learning more about the /b/ sound.  Remember, it is a bouncy sound.  Let’s practice.  Put your lips together.  B-B-B
Now let’s trace our letters.  Use your stick.  Start at the top, draw to the bottom.  Now bounce the line from top to bottom.

Target sound and vowel recognition:  Bee, Bay, Bye, Bow, Boo

Show picture of Bear.
Discussion:  What is this?  It’s a bear!  Bear has a /b/ sound in it.  B-B-B-Bear.
Where does a bear live?  What color is this bear?  Brown starts with B. 
B-B-B- Brown.

Fingerplay:  Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy, Bear touch the ground.
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear, show your shoe.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, that will do.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your nose.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear touch your toes.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear turn out the light.
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear, say good night.

Song:  Going on a Bear Hunt.