Monday, March 15, 2021

March Week 2: Plan A Pose

 Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: pose, yoga, lion, heels, hands, knees, roar, feet, toes, legs, butterfly, wings, stand, bend, touch, dog, stretch, stomach, shoulders, push, snake, hiss, squat, hop, frog, kneels, head, back, cat, palms, high/low, quiet, mountain.

Book: Roar Like A Lion and Other Fun Yoga Poses by Taeeun Yoo

Transition Song: Wake Up Daily Routines by Dream English

Do you remember last week when Miss Carrie forgot to exercise?  This week, Miss Carrie wants to show everyone her favorite way to exercise.  It's called yoga.  Miss Carrie turned our her Calm app and found some yoga music. We read the book Roar Like A Lion and Other Fun Yoga Poses by Taeeun Yoo.  In the book, the yoga poses are like animals or mountains.  We practiced following directions.  We guessed what animal we were going to be based on the pose we were working on.  Miss Carrie asked what the animal sound might be.  Sometimes we even made our own poses and asked our friends to try them.  At the end, we all laid on the floor and practice our deep breathing.  Deep breathing calms our bodies.

DO THIS AT HOME:  Turn on some calm music.  Make up poses or find a book with pictures that you can look at and try to do the poses.  Label body parts.  Talk about where your hands and feet are.  Can you make up any poses? Follow your child's lead.