Friday, April 2, 2021

March Week 5: What Can I Make?

Transition Song: Wake Up: Daily Routines

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: on top/under,  in front/behind, next to, small/smaller/smallest, tall/taller/tallest, high/low, same/different, full/empty, yes/no, make, break,  colors, May I have...

This week, Miss Carrie brought out boxes to build with.  Some were big, some were small.  Some boxes looked like small Christmas boxes and had  smaller boxes inside.  Those boxes had the smallest boxes inside them.  Some of the big boxes were covered in colorful duct tape.  We could open some of the boxes, but Miss Carrie asked us to not unwrap the boxes covered in duct tape.

We talked about the small/smaller/smallest boxes.  We talked about the tall/taller/tallest towers.  We asked peers for specific boxes.  We collaborated on building towers.

DO THIS AT HOME:  What can you build with?  Have fun building together.  Narrate your actions with your child. Take pictures and talk about it together with other family members.