Monday, November 8, 2021

Food Or Not Food

 Transition Song: What Does The Turkey Say (chorus and 1st verse only) by Nooshi.

Note: We sing the chorus and the 1st verse only.  We sing it without the music since the music is so fast.  Also, we beat a rhythm by tapping our knees and then clapping.

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: food/not food, legos, glue, blocks, cars, play dough, markers, cup, spoon, apple, orange, banana, grape, carrot, hamburger, bread, strawberry, egg.

This week, Miss Carrie brought a bag full of items we couldn't see.  She showed us how to close our eyes and pic something out of the bag.  Is it food or not food?  Can we put it in our mouths?  There were things we should never put in our mouths: legos, glue, blocks, cars,  play dough, markers, cup, spoon.  If we put these things in our mouth, our teachers have to wash them or throw them away.  They are not food.  There were also things that were food such as banana, strawberry, egg, apple, orange, grape, carrot, hamburger, bread.  Those items are food and we can eat them at home.  But the ones at school are just pretend.  We practiced how we could pretend to eat them without them touching our mouths. We can also pretend to use cups and spoons during Work Time without them touching our mouths.

We also talked again about how if we put our fingers in our mouths and then touch toys, that can make people sick.  If we put fingers in our noses, that can make people sick, too.  The teachers ask us to wash our hands with soap if we put our fingers in our noses and mouths.  Miss Carrie does not want to get sick.

DO THIS AT HOME:  talk about what is food and what is not food.  What can we put in our mouths? What is food and what is not food? Get the whole family involved with this game.