Friday, February 3, 2023

Looking Eyes, Listening Ears, Quiet Mouth. What Do You Hear?

 Transition Song: H-E-A-R-T by the Kiboomers

NOTE:  We only sing the first verse and clap for every letter H-E-A-R-T.  We usually repeat the verse twice when we sing it in the classroom.

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts:  looking, eyes, listening, ears, quiet, mouth, farm animals, zoo animals, environmental sounds, What questions, Can you questions, Where questions, loud/quiet, same/different.

This week, Miss Carrie taught us a new game.  We were going to listen to animal sounds and guess what animal the sound came from.

First everyone said together "Looking eyes, listening ears, quiet mouth", while pointing to our eyes, ears, and mouth.  This reminded us to be very quiet so we could hear the sounds.

Miss Carrie had two apps on her iPad called Soundtouch 1 and Soundtouch 2

When you touch the picture icon, a photo appears and you hear the animal sounds.  Each icon cycles through 4  or 5 different photographs with sound so you get a different sound if you touch the icon again.

Miss Carrie touched the picture icon without showing us what it was.  We listened to the sound and guessed what animal it could be.  Then Miss Carrie turned the iPad around to show us the picture.  We talked about where we had seen the animal before.  We tried to make the animal sounds. 

There were easy sounds like cow, dog, cat, pig, and horse.  There were hard sounds like frog, zebra, bat, and camel.  Sometimes the sounds were very different. Owls make a lot of different sounds.  So do frogs.

This was a very fun game.  The everyone was practicing their listening skills.

DO THIS AT HOME:   Look at a book of animals or vehicles together.  Talk about the sounds they make.  When  you are out and about, if you hear a siren or a train, narrate what you hear to your child. "I hear a fire engine?  Where is it?  A fire engine is big and red.  It has a long, white ladder.  Where is the fire engine?  There it is.  I see it!"