Thursday, October 29, 2020

October Week 4: Rex Wrecks It and Halloween Fun

 This week, in Miss Jeana's classroom, we read the book Rex Wrecks It by Ben Clanton.

In this book, Rex keeps wrecking all of his friends block creations.  (We have this problem in our preschool classrooms, too.)  Rex's friends DON'T like him wrecking their projects.  They have to problem solve together to come up with a solution.

Then we pulled out all of the blocks and started building.  We took turns asking if we could wreck it. (We learned that the word wreck  means to knock it down.)  Our friends could say yes or no.  If they said no, we had to build our own or wait. (Since this was only at the beginning of the week, we didn't have a chance to do this in Miss Kazia's classroom.  We will plan to do this in her room another week soon.

DO THIS AT HOME:  Pull out blocks or collect cardboard boxes to build with.  Build together.  Don't encourage wrecking it.  Practice asking if you can knock it down, either verbally or sign 'please'.  Sometimes the answer is no.  Sometimes the answer is yes.  Talk about feelings if someone knocks it down when you didn't want them to.

At the end of the week, miss Carrie was in Miss Kazia's room.  We had a lot of Halloween fun. We practiced Trick or Treat and knocking on doors.  We talked about our costumes or what we were wearing that day.

What did the teachers wear?

Miss Carrie was Pete The Cat with his Red Shoes

Miss Traci was dressed like Minnie Mouse

Miss Jeana was dressed like a witch

Miss Meagan was a Giraffe

Miss Kazia dressed like Auna from Frozen

Miss Misty was a pumpkin.